We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions for your benefit. If you have a question that has not been listed, please feel free to email it to us sales@garleuv.com

Err. 01 External device failure


External device is abnormal and EPS is not allowed to start, such as conveyor is not moving.



Ensure the external devices are in good condition 

Err. 04 Module failure


Input phase lost; output short-circuit; EPS module failure.


Check input connection of the EPS; Check UV lamp wiring; 

Err.07 EPS temperature is too high


Temperature of EPS is too high. The air-cooling tunnel may be blocked; EPS’s fan is damaged; Environment temperature is too high. 


Clean the air-cooling monthly; replace damaged fans; lower environment temperature

lamp is clean before running the lamp and operated in a dust-free environment.

Ensure the lamp is run at correct volts and amps and that the UV system is properly cooled.